My first year at Mom's Day Out is nearly ended. It has been probably one of my most fun jobs ever. I have fallen head over heels in love with a few 2-3 year olds who will likely make me cry like a baby on the last day. They are so trusting and loving and silly. I DO have my favorites, but they have all made the school year fun
Life on the home front has been busy and altogether good, minus some ER trips for the boy and a very expensive one for the DOG. Both are no worse for the wear, and I am thankful for that. Spence will be seeing an allergist at some point (i.e. as soon as we can get an appointment) thanks to our third annual trip to the ER for allergy related breathing issues. I'm fairly certain he will not appreciate how it will help him as soon as the nurse practitioner mentioned "shots"! Eek... we will cross that bridge when we come to it.
Hannah is doing great. She has finally conquered the sleeping issues that plagued us for months on end...and for that I thank GOD and my chiropractor, Dr. Heiland, who had some great suggestions to make bedtime a better thing. She's ready for her school year to be done and have a new classroom of kids, hopefully not nearly as rotten as the class she's had to endure this year. Her teacher, bless her heart, is retiring! It was THAT bad.. :)
The Mr. is out at the range right now... having his own therapy session. He and I have a great understanding of alone time. Though, I would take another date night any old time. I love him for that tho.. the fact that we don't guilt each other about having "our own time" is a cool thing, that I don't think many couples are in the practice of. We are getting ready to celebrate 11 "long" years of marriage. We have tickets to Brad Paisley and are excited to see him in concert. I'm hoping to get him to take that Friday off and get a hotel for the night... HONEY... are you reading this? :) Doesn't hurt to try. :)
Okay, I've officially updated.. now it's time to watch Idol...
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