Excuse the absense. No excuse, just haven't updated.
Lots to report tho. The latest news being that I have a new nephew. My first nephew, in fact. Lucas Joseph Becker... and he is just the teeniest, most precious little boy! He was 6 pounds, 7 ounces and around 19 inches long. His mommy, Shannon, and daddy, Dwight, and big sister, Sarah are all happy that he is here and healthy. And so is the rest of his very large family.
And my niece, Haley is growing like a weed. She is coming to spend the day with me on Saturday. I look forward to that. Here is a picture of her and I at the hospital visiting the new cousin. :)
Dave is doing alright. He is really struggling at work. Needing a change, but not sure what exactly to pursue. There is a job opportunity that is coming up with IBM in Indiana, really close to his parents, but it's not doing what he wants to do. Another freind of ours just went back to working for Mastercard... and that may be an avenue that he pursues, which would be a fantastic commute and some good benefits. So, I know he'll be okay, but it is SO difficult to watch him get so down. I know the weather is not helping. It also doesn't help that he is chained to a desk all day long.
This weekend in the RV show in St. Louis. We are going to take the kids down and check them out. We are really wanting to camp more this year. We need to do things like that more.. be outdoors and away from T.V.s and computers. We are getting rid of our satellite as soon as we go buy an antennae for the television. We need to watch it less and read more, play more, sleep more.
The kids are good. Hannah is doing fantastically in Kindergarten. She's basically passed it already. But is loving reading and is reading on a 1-2 grade level, if not a little higher. Spencer is having fun at mom's day out, and is learning his letters really well. He writes his name really nicely for just turning 4.
My biggest news is that I have offically given up soda. Cold turkey, and it's going just fine. It's been nearly a month and I'm not craving it at all. Whew! Hopefully, it will continue that way. I'll tackle another life change next month. Baby steps. :-)
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