Friday, May 18, 2007

Busy Day

Well, this day has been a running day since we got outta bed. It's 10:21p.m. and this may be the first I have sat down except for eating dinner. Whew. Tomorrow is when I am hosting a bridal shower for my dear friend Jamie. So, I DID start my day with a pedicure at the beauty school, and got my nails fixed up. But then it was a whip cracking kind of afternoon. I have mixed dips, cut and prepared fresh fruit, made miniature cheesecakes, and set up the serving area. I have spread mulch, grocery shopped, picked kids up from school. I have stamped 20 thank you notes. I have gone through papers from Kindergarten. It was a productive day, that is for sure.

Right now, I'm listening to a message by Beth Moore. Man, she's a little powerhouse. I'm trying to fill myself up with God stuff, so that maybe what gets squeezed out, is more God stuff and less YUCK! Part of her message today is how the enemy really can get to us when we start to isolate ourselves. I struggle with this at times, but I honestly don't feel like I am right now, the way other people think I may be. Certain people that will remain nameless... Cuz if they really knew are cared to know, they would know that I'm connected to people... just not them. :-) And God is doing stuff. He truly is. It's a S-L-O-W process. I believe He is trying to do stuff in our whole family. Trying to heal. Trying to connect. Trying to humble. Trying to shape. Yeah, it's painful, sometimes more than others.

Okay, I'm losing all concentration now, so I'm going to close. I'm hoping for a wonderfully uninterrupted night of sleep. No alarm clock for me tomorrow! woohoo! good night!

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