Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Last morning without kids for a while.

So today is the last day of Mom's Day Out for Spence. I think this year will be an adjustment for him not to see his little buddy from school on a regular basis. However, his mommy and I traded numbers, so hopefully we'll have some Alex time this summer. :-) Hannah's not done til June 1st, so there is still a little time left for her. And being in year round schools, means she has only a 6 week break for the summer.

So, today I'm hanging out at Panera bread. I've never just hung out and played on my computer somewhere other that my own house. It is kinda fun. Lots to look at, lots of distractions, but I am not working, so it's okay. It's right at noon now, so it's getting loud in here. :-)

Soon it will be time to head to the ob/gyn... fun fun! Ah well, it's only once a year. And on a better note, my eyes are getting better, so that's good.

So, I'll write more later. Too hard to concentrate! :-)

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